Carpal Tunnel

Carpal Tunnel

Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused because of the pressure caused on the median nerve. The carpal tunnel happens to be a narrow passageway surrounded by the ligaments and bones on the palm of your hand. A lot of compression to the median nerve is caused due to several activities, thereby leading to numbness. 

It is essential to visit us if you are experiencing the symptoms of the problem and get it treated at the right time. 

What are the Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? 

The symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome start gradually. You may experience a little numbness or tingle in your fingers. You may also feel a sensation similar to electric shock in your fingers. Another symptom of carpal tunnel syndrome includes weakness in your hand. In some cases, people start dropping objects on the floor. 

What are the Causes of Carpal Tunnel? 

As stated, the primary cause of this problem is the pressure caused on your median nerve. This nerve runs from your forearm via a passageway in the wrist to your hand. It is responsible for providing sensation to your thumb and fingers. Carpal tunnel also provides nerve signals so that your muscles around the base of the thumb move. 

Carpal tunnel syndrome is also caused by wrist fracture and leads to immense swelling and inflammation. Sometimes, the cause of this problem can be many factors altogether. 

Diagnosis At Our Clinic 

We will ask you several questions and conduct tests to get the proper diagnosis of your problem. 

  • We may consider the history of your symptoms and review their pattern to know about the difficulty. 
  • A physical examination may be conducted by feeling your hands, bending your wrist, tapping, and pressing your nerve to check for the symptoms. 
  • We may carry out an X-ray to check for conditions like fracture or arthritis.
  • Electromyography along with a nerve conduction study may also be conducted to coin out the damage caused to your muscles controlled by your median nerve. 

What is the Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? 

  • If the problem is in its early stage, you can allow yourself some lifestyle changes such as taking frequent breaks to rest your hands, avoiding exerting your hands too much, and others. You can also apply cold packs to address the swelling. 
  • We may recommend some non-surgical methods like wrist splitting, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and corticosteroids to address the condition. 
  • If the symptoms are severe, we may perform endoscopic surgery or open surgery to treat the concern. 

Please reach out to our clinic in Hayward, San Jose, Fremont, or San Ramon to have a consultation with our doctor, Dr. Ibrahimi. Please call us at (669) 235-4188 or schedule an online consultation, and we'll guide you further.